Daily Activities
Our daily schedule includes the following:
School-wide chapel (songs, pledges, memory verse)
Large group activities
Small group centers, including fine motor skill development
Circle time (age-appropriate learning)
Art, sensory and creative time
Playground (indoor and/or outdoor)
Snack and lunch, brought from home
Nap time (ages 18month-3 years old staying until 2:30)
Music appreciation class (3-year-old classes and Pre-K)
Pre-K classes also include weekly STEM, Library, and P.E. classes
We want you to feel that your child is in a safe place while they are at Kids First Learning Center. Our doors are locked while classes are in session. Alternate persons picking up a child are required to know their password, show a picture ID, and be listed on the child’s enrollment form as an alternate.
Observed Holidays
Kids First Learning Center observes:
New Year's Day
Other federal holidays may be observed if they occur on a school day. Specific dates will be included in the Kids First Learning Center calendar.