Family Value Resources
Family Values highlights values that shape who we are as believers in Jesus. FBM Family Values is a tool to help you as a family discuss and live out a new value each and every month.
Why is teaching values to your family important? Values are the standards of our actions and the attitudes of our hearts and minds that shape who we are, how we live, and how we treat other people. You will be discussing the things in life to which we attach worth. Those strongly held beliefs by which we order our lives.
Our children are influenced from their earliest days by all that is around them. Think about all the influencers that are currently in your child’s life. Consider what they watch on TV or on the internet, what music they listen to, what video games they play, what they discover on social media, or what they hear from their peers, relatives, and teachers. You as a parent, grandparent, or guardian, have been given the incredible responsibility to, “Start children off on the way they should go”(Proverbs 22:6a). Our children need guidance, and you are their guide.
We want to help you be that guide! Join us for Family Values as we make an intentional effort to help you teach and train our children in what we value most as Christian families.
A Parent’s Guide to …
Parent Guides discussing topics that our kids, students, and families are dealing with or encountering on a daily basis are available on the KidCity Parent Resources shelves.
Looking for a specific topic? There are more topics available per your request. Email family@fbmaryville.org. We would be happy to provide you with what you are looking for.
Jesse Tree Resources
Jesse Tree is an Advent Family Devotional. Do you want additional copies of the Jesse tree ornaments or copies of coloring resources for your family? Look for the Jesse Tree packets in November or download printable resources below all year long!