Family Values
Family Values highlight values that shape who we are as believers in Jesus. FBM Family Values is a tool to help you as a family discuss and live out a new value each and every month.
Why is teaching values to your family important? Values are the standards of our actions and the attitudes of our hearts and minds that shape who we are, how we live, and how we treat other people. You will be discussing the things in life to which we attach worth. Those strongly held beliefs by which we order our lives.
Our children are influenced from their earliest days by all that is around them. Think about all the influencers that are currently in your child’s life. Consider what they watch on TV or on the internet, what music they listen to, what video games they play, what they discover on social media, or what they hear from their peers, relatives, and teachers. You as a parent, grandparent, or guardian, have been given the incredible responsibility to, “Start children off on the way they should go”(Proverbs 22:6a). Our children need guidance, and you are their guide.
We want to help you be that guide! Join us for Family Values as we make an intentional effort to help you teach and train our children in what we value most as Christian families.
January | Obedience
As a believer, obedience is not something that you have to do, it is something that you want to do.
February | Holiness
The holiness of God is the pattern for how we are to live our lives. Now, God is perfectly holy. God is completely set apart from all creation, including humans. There is no one like God.
March | Responsibility
All of us have to take ownership of our own actions. That means, we have to admit when we mess up God’s plans - when we sin. The great news for us as believers is, when we take that responsibility and bring it to God, He forgives us! That allows us to move forward without the weight of guilt holding us back.
How Do I Get Started and What Should It Look Like?
Pick up a FBM Family Values Packet. (or find most resources above)
Take your resources home and come together as a family to talk about what value you are highlighting for the month. Discuss ways you as a family and individually can live out that value and then lead by example, making the value and the teaching of that value part of your everyday life.
The time to start is now! This is for families with children at every age and stage of life and we encourage you to teach these values now and always.
Use the example given to us in Deuteronomy 6:7-9 “Teach them to your children, and talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them on your forehead to remind you, and write them on your doors and gates.”
The goal is to weave these value conversations into your everyday life; in the morning, at the dinner table, when you work, when you play, when you ride in the car, and before you go to bed. And post them where you can see them; on the refrigerator, by your bed, TV, or bathroom mirror.
Remember that God is in control and the promise He gives us when we are intentional about training our children, “even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6b)
We would love to know that you are committed to joining us on this journey! Let us know using the link at the top of this this page. If you have any questions email us at family@fbmaryville.org.