Pastor Tom Hufty - 10 Year Celebration Service

This weekend, we celebrated Pastor Tom's 10th anniversary as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Maryville. While we are continuously thankful for the impact he and Rhonda have made on our church family, this weekend we wanted to exemplify our gratitude. For ten years of remarkable teaching, for ten years of investing in each of us personally, for ten years of leading by example, and for ten years of serving us in ways we might never even recognize - we are overwhelmed with thankfulness. We presented Pastor Tom a gift full of many things he loves, including a FBM golf club cover, MCS sneakers, a gift card for Big Cedar Lodge, and lots of letters of appreciation from our church family! As an extra special gift, his children and grandchildren were able to join our services, speaking to the impact he has had on all of them, as well as the amazing ministry they have witnessed throughout their lives. Pastor Tom, we love you, we are thankful for you, and we are so glad to have you leading us closer to Christ.


Without Love


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