Don't Forget Jennifer Lindauer Don't Forget Jennifer Lindauer

Don’t Forget

Remembrance is a theme all throughout scripture. We will be looking at a conversation between Jesus and his disciples that reminds us what we should not forget. Looking forward to seeing you this Memorial Weekend!

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DNOW 2024, Darkness and Light Jennifer Lindauer DNOW 2024, Darkness and Light Jennifer Lindauer

DNOW 2024 | Darkness and Light

Have you ever been in a place that’s really and truly dark? A place with absolutely zero sources of light? It’s a little unsettling, isn’t it? We lose context. We become disoriented. And if we’re honest, sometimes we get scared. There is another kind of darkness that surrounds us. It’s not the absence of light. It’s the darkness of a world without good. A world without God.

There is darkness. But there is a light, too. And not just any light. It’s a light that is overwhelming, all-consuming, and perfectly pure . . . a light that refuses to be ignored. It’s the light of God’s goodness. And it breaks through in the most amazing ways. There is a light that drives away darkness. A light that drives out fear. A light that runs off despair. A light that shines for justice. A light that is comforting, and clarifying ... A light that saves.

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Exchange, DNOW 2023 Jennifer Lindauer Exchange, DNOW 2023 Jennifer Lindauer

DNOW Weekend 2023 | Exchange

DNOW Weekend 2023 | Exchange

We will wrap up DNOW weekend while inviting the whole church to join in a hopeful look at the future God has promised where the brokenness of this world is once-and-for-all exchanged for the perfect beauty of a restored Creation.

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Truly Free Jennifer Lindauer Truly Free Jennifer Lindauer

02/20/2022 | Truly Free

This weekend we will have DNOW for the students. Our theme is Truly Free and we will explore what it means to be free in Christ and how that should look when we live it out. This Sunday, we will look at that truth for ourselves as well.

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