Do Not Judge, A New Commandment, Weather or Not Jennifer Lindauer Do Not Judge, A New Commandment, Weather or Not Jennifer Lindauer

Weather or Not

Sometimes the weather outside is perfect. However, storms can pop up out of nowhere and mess up our plans. This weekend we will see Jesus rescue the disciples from a storm and warn them about storms that will come. So, whether you are enjoying calm seas or crashing waves, the lessons Jesus teaches the disciples are perfect for all of us too! See you Sunday weather or not!

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Do Not Judge, A New Commandment Jennifer Lindauer Do Not Judge, A New Commandment Jennifer Lindauer

A New Commandment

We recently finished a series on the Ten Commandments that helped us better understand what God wants for His people. This weekend we will look at a new commandment that Jesus gave his followers. This commandment is not just another rule to add to a list, it is different! Come find out how this new commandment is meant to move Christian’s to action. See you Sunday!

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A Word to the Wise Jennifer Lindauer A Word to the Wise Jennifer Lindauer

A Word to the Wise

Scripture often speaks of becoming wise. So how does one become wise? What does it even mean to become wise? Join us this Sunday as we learn the difference between knowledge and wisdom, the fool and the wise and what it takes to gain wisdom.

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Upon This Rock Jennifer Lindauer Upon This Rock Jennifer Lindauer

Upon This Rock | Week 2

Upon this Rock | Week 2

This weekend we finish the series called “Upon this Rock.” We will look once more to the life of Peter to better understand how Jesus works in the life of the believer. Spoiler Alert!! This message contains plenty of Good News!

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Upon This Rock Jennifer Lindauer Upon This Rock Jennifer Lindauer

Upon This Rock | Week 1

Upon this Rock | Week 1

It is an exciting time in the life of our church! We are a short time away from moving into a new worship center and seeing people baptized again! Cool, right!?! You bet! Since we are blessed by what God is doing, it is important that we remember that Jesus wants to continue to build the church beyond where we are right now. This weekend we start a two week series called “Upon this Rock.” Please join us as we learn about being the kind of people God can use to build His church!

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Psalm 19 Jennifer Lindauer Psalm 19 Jennifer Lindauer

Psalm 19

There are a lot of mixed messages out there today which can be confusing. Fortunately for us, God is very clear about who He is and clear about what he wants for His followers. Join us this weekend as we see the manner in which God has and is making Himself known to the world and how we can respond.

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Days of Future Past Jennifer Lindauer Days of Future Past Jennifer Lindauer

Days of Future Past

Everyone has a “past.” Did you know that your connection to the past can guide your future? You’ve probably heard the saying, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Well, God’s Word is a record of His activity in the past and it can certainly guide your future! This Sunday we will see how the past, with God’s help, can guide our future!

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It's Just a Phase Jennifer Lindauer It's Just a Phase Jennifer Lindauer

It's Just A Phase

Spring is just around the corner! Each new season brings with it all new challenges. The challenges we face in one season will prepare us for the next. No matter what phase in life we are in, God is teaching us and molding us to be more like Christ. This Sunday, we will explore how we can stay connected with God through the challenges we face and phases we go through.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

A New Thing

Each year, at fbmaryville we do an exercise at the start of the year. We choose one word that will guide our lives for the upcoming year. We share that word on the first Sunday of the new year. So this weekend, we will begin thinking about what word you might choose. We will turn our attention to that “one thing” you need to turn your focus too in 2022.

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I’ve Heard It Both Ways Jennifer Lindauer I’ve Heard It Both Ways Jennifer Lindauer

I’ve Heard It Both Ways

This weekend we will take a look at Saul and David. Both chosen by God. Both were anointed to be King of Israel. Yet only one of them was “a man after God’s own heart.” Come this weekend to find out: What does “after God’s own heart” mean?” What made David “a man after God’s own heart” and not Saul? And lastly, why should we even care? See you at church.

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Different Yet Similar Jennifer Lindauer Different Yet Similar Jennifer Lindauer

10/10/2021 | Different Yet Similar

This weekend we will explore two stories that are very different yet similar. Both stories have honorable women as the central characters (Ruth, Hannah). Both stories take place during the period of the Judges. Both stories have men who act faithfully (Boaz, Elkanah). Both stories have a message for us. See you at church (or online).

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Finding Fulfillment Jennifer Lindauer Finding Fulfillment Jennifer Lindauer

Finding Fulfillment

This weekend we will focus on finding fulfillment! By examining the use of our time and talents, it’s possible to discover where we are looking to try and find fulfillment. No matter where we are looking for fulfillment, God wants us to find it in Him! See you this weekend!

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A Gentle Answer Jennifer Lindauer A Gentle Answer Jennifer Lindauer

A Gentle Answer

We live in a society full of outrage, where loud and angry voices seem to be the only ones that are heard. However, this is not how things have to be. This Sunday we will explore how a gentle answer can change the world.

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In Remembrance Jennifer Lindauer In Remembrance Jennifer Lindauer

In Remembrance

What happens when we forget about God? In the Bible, we see how Israel forgot about Him repeatedly. But what about Christians? Do we ever forget about Him? This weekend, we will see how we might build up our faith so that we remember Him and enjoy His love.

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Judges Jennifer Lindauer Judges Jennifer Lindauer

Ultimate Authority | Finding Freedom Under God

Most people like to be in charge. Or at least the freedom to be in charge of their own life. With this freedom, we hold on to our own preferences and opinions as the highest truths. So with all this freedom we enjoy, why is there so much dysfunction and disunity? As hard as it is to hear, when we all do what is right in our own eyes it opens the door to doing what is wrong in God’s eyes. The Bible shows us that the most freedom we can find is under God’s authority and protection. This weekend we will see this clearly as we study the book of Judges with Pastor Nate.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

The Culture We Aspire To

Did you know that every church has it’s own unique culture? This weekend we will look at “The Culture We Aspire To” here at FBMaryville. What makes ours unique? How do we all play a part in making the culture we aspire to a reality? Find out how our church culture impacts us as individuals and the entire congregation.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

Remembering Why

From time to time it can be energizing to revisit who God has called to us to be. This weekend we will get reacquainted with the purpose of First Baptist Maryville. Join us to get reacquainted and re-energized!

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A New Thing Guest User A New Thing Guest User

A New Thing

The new year often brings us to a time of reflection of what God has done and how we have responded over the past year. Sometimes we look at this time and think all we did wrong and all the resolutions we didn't keep. We may feel like we have disappointed God. But God wants to take our lives and and make them new. As we approach the new year, Nate Bock will be leading us through a time of reflection, prayer and invitation for the Holy Spirit to bring a fresh start to our lives in the new year.

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