Father's Day 2024 Jennifer Lindauer Father's Day 2024 Jennifer Lindauer

Father’s Day 2024

This weekend we are going to take a short break from The COMEBACK series to talk about fatherhood. We will have an interview and a short message. The message will cover four disciplines, that if you get these down, and do it well, you will raise well-balanced children that will have the tools to navigate adulthood regardless of the cultural climate. Let’s celebrate our fathers this weekend and have some fun doing it! Oh yes! There will be “Dad Jokes.” See you at church.

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The Comeback Jennifer Lindauer The Comeback Jennifer Lindauer

The Comeback | Week 2

Last weekend we launched our Summer Series: The Comeback. We took a look at one of the greatest leaders in the Bible, Moses, and how he navigated a comeback in his life as well as the nation Israel. This weekend we look at someone who made an amazing Comeback, after being mistreated. If you have suffered mistreatment from others or know of someone who is being mistreated now. Hopefully, this weekend may be the beginning of a comeback for you or someone you love. We’ll see you at church!

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The Comeback Jennifer Lindauer The Comeback Jennifer Lindauer

The Comeback | Week 1

This weekend we begin our Summer Series, THE COMEBACK. We will study the lives of famous Bible characters who experienced a comeback in their life. They messed up. They were hurting. But God brought about a comeback and they experienced a turn that changed their lives and furthered God’s purpose and Kingdom work. All of us, experience some breaking points in our lives and we need a comeback. Plan to join us this weekend as we kick off what could be a great series for your comeback.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

Building Healthy Families | Week 4

This weekend we wrap up the series, Building Healthy Families. We will take a look at the foundation of the family. Marriage. Marriages are in trouble today, therefore, it is important for us, and the next generation to know what God had in mind when He came up with the idea of marriage. Join us this weekend as we grow together in God’s Word.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

Building Healthy Families | Week 3

This weekend we celebrate the ladies of our church. We are grateful for the mothers in our church family and so our study this Sunday will be on a Mom in the Scripture that was a model of persistence. We will learn from her struggles and be inspired by her faithfulness.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

Building Healthy Families | Week 2

Families are varied and complex. There are biological families, adoptive families, blended families, single-parent families, church families, etc. So which family is the best? The best family is the healthy family. Everyone wants to be a part of a healthy family. So how do you know if your family is healthy? Let’s find out together this weekend as we continue our series, Building Healthy Families.

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Thrills and Spills Jennifer Lindauer Thrills and Spills Jennifer Lindauer

Thrills and Spills | Week 3

Our current series, Spills & Thrills, has been a great learning experience of how we can manage and navigate our emotions. We will close the series this weekend with a conversation about how to manage the powerful emotion of sadness. We all will go through seasons of sadness, grief and loss and in this message we will look at a Bible character who went through a tough seasons of sadness and grief and discovered hope.

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Thrills and Spills Jennifer Lindauer Thrills and Spills Jennifer Lindauer

Thrills and Spills | Week 2

Anger. Just the word can make you cringe. There is only one letter difference between anger and danger. That is why it is so important that we discuss the topic. Our anger can become dangerous. As we continue our short series on emotions this month, the next emotion we will discuss is anger. The insights we uncover this weekend could be life-changing for you.

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Thrills and Spills Jennifer Lindauer Thrills and Spills Jennifer Lindauer

Thrills and Spills | Week 1

This weekend we begin a new series called, Thrills and Spills. We will take a close look at our emotions and see how God helps us manage them. We all have emotions that God gave us. We are made in His image and because He “feels,” we feel too. This weekend we will gain insight from God’s Word on how to deal with one of our most powerful emotions.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

Easter 2024

HAPPY EASTER!!! This weekend is the highlight of the year for every believer in Jesus. This weekend we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and the promise to all believers of being resurrected to eternal life. This is a weekend that everyone is thinking about church. So, it’s a great weekend to invite some friends to join you for the services. Let’s be intentional about giving our friends and opportunity to hear the life-changing news of God’s love this weekend.

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Jennifer Lindauer Jennifer Lindauer

Maundy Thursday 2024

Maundy Thursday, sometimes called “Holy Thursday,” is the Thursday right before Easter. On that night over 2,000 years ago in an upper room in Jerusalem, Jesus established the Lord's Supper for His followers to observe in remembrance of Him. Join us for a special upper room experience as we recapture the story of that evening.

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What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer

What Does the Cross Mean? | Week 5

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Every year we as a faith community take some time to talk about the events of that week. We will look at one of the conversations Jesus had that week. We will talk about the people that got Him and those that didn’t. We will see how lavish love should be expressed, and why it is difficult for some to show it. We will conclude by participating in the Lord’s Supper and remembering what He has done for us. It is always a special time together.

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What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer

What Does the Cross Mean? | Week 4

Do you have any relationships that you would like to see reconciled? This weekend we continue our series, What Does the Cross Mean, by looking at another aspect of what God was doing when Jesus died on the cross. He was in the process of reconciling us to Himself. We will unwrap this important facet of the cross this weekend, as we talk about two types of reconciliation.

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What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer

What Does the Cross Mean? | Week 2

Today we begin a new series that will lead us up to Easter. For the month of March we will take a close look at what is happening on the cross. Now, you might say, “I know what happened on the cross. Jesus died there.” But there is more to it than just a horrible death. This weekend we start to look at some of the cosmic events that took place when Jesus gave His life for us. Let’s start this journey together this weekend. See you Sunday!

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What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer What Does the Cross Mean? Jennifer Lindauer

What Does the Cross Mean? | Week 1

Today we begin a new series that will lead us up to Easter. For the month of March we will take a close look at what is happening on the cross. Now, you might say, “I know what happened on the cross. Jesus died there.” But there is more to it than just a horrible death. This weekend we start to look at some of the cosmic events that took place when Jesus gave His life for us. Let’s start this journey together this weekend. See you Sunday!

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Trust: A Firm Foundation Jennifer Lindauer Trust: A Firm Foundation Jennifer Lindauer

Trust: A Firm Foundation | Week 6

This weekend we will bring our Trust series to a close. For the past five weeks we have been talking about how we can have confidence in trusting God. This weekend we will focus on a more horizontal level, and have a conversation about how to trust others, and be a person someone can trust. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.

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