Building God’s Kingdom

Ministry Highlight: Pastor Jepthe Lucien

fbmmissions ultimately aims to build God's Kingdom by supporting the growth of local churches, training leaders, building strong Christian communities, and reaching out to those far from God.

Pastor Jepthe Lucien is part of Jerusalem Baptist Mission, an organization that works diligently to spread the gospel to unbelievers in Haiti. They work to be the hands and feet of Jesus, providing education and other necessary services in the mission fields. They are called to spread the Word of God wherever they go. JBM started in 1977, and shortly after that, Pastor Lucien began planting the first sister church in LabelMer. Soon after, whenever someone came to know the Lord in a new neighborhood far from the main church, Pastor Jepthe would start a weekly cell group meeting at the new convert’s home. He keeps busy developing and expanding JBM in this way. They currently have 135 churches, 14 schools, 12 wells, and 6 orphanages in the communities they serve.

Despite the challenges of serving in a difficult area, Pastor Jepthe is enthusiastic about the opportunities to lead lost countrymen away from false religions, like voodoo, and towards Jesus. He appreciates our prayers and support. While much has been accomplished, there is still much work to be done in Haiti. As Pastor Jepthe and JBM continue their efforts, they remain steadfast in their mission to bring hope and salvation to the people of Haiti, greatly impacting the communities they serve.