
Ministry Spotlight: Club 180

fbmmissions encourages believers to help others grow in their faith through teaching.

The Burkeens willingly stepped in to raise King while Honesty pursued her bachelor's degree. When King arrived at the Burkeens' home, they discovered how far behind he was academically. He is currently repeating the third grade and does not know his ABCs. To ensure King receives a better education, the Burkeens now make a half-hour drive to Harlan Independent School every day.

In their care, King is thriving with a bed of his own, consistent meals, and a nurturing environment infused with the teachings of Jesus. Meanwhile, Honesty is excelling academically and is on track to make the dean's list this semester. Her ambition is to become a teacher and give back to the younger generation.

The Burkeens responded to God's call to mentor and guide children in a rural community. These are children who often feel forgotten and lost, enduring homelessness, neglect, and abuse. They crave love and attention, which the Burkeens willingly provide. The Burkeens serve as prime examples of empowering discipleship and inspiring meaningful growth.

Terry and Angie Burkeen have faithfully followed God's guidance and practiced discipleship through Club 180 in Cumberland, Kentucky for the past 18 years. They have opened their doors to numerous individuals, demonstrating the love of Christ. Young people who have grown up involved in Club 180 often extend the same love they have received to the next generation, in roles such as internships. One remarkable example is a young woman named Honesty. She spent her formative years in the Club 180 program, assisted during high school, and later worked as an intern.

At the age of 18, Honesty became the primary caregiver for her 9-year-old brother, King. She managed to support herself through community college while caring for King.

Two years later, Honesty received a full scholarship to the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky. Her ability to continue her education hinged on finding a stable environment for King.