God of Freedom

Women, All Ages | Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. | Room D125

Begins January 8

Leader: Jen Rowlen

This study walks through Exodus 19-40 verse-by-verse, explores what freedom looks like for the Israelites under God’s good rule and good laws, and revisits scenes from the Ten Commandments, golden calf idol worship, and the tabernacle. You are invited to discover a new perspective on Exodus and what these stories can teach us today about how to live as those set free from sin and death.Please note that this study is already in progress but we would love for you to join us for the second half of this Bible study! We have already covered Exodus 1-18 and will be picking up our study in Exodus 19. If you would like to catch up before January 8, check out God of Deliverance by Jen Wilkin.

Discussion Based | Book | Cost $25


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