Contented Jennifer Lindauer Contented Jennifer Lindauer

Contented | Week 6

Week 6
Do you know what you want? Most people do! The question is, do you know what you need? This weekend we will finish our series, CONTENTED. We will have conversation about what we have, what we need, and what we want. Looking forward to a great weekend. See you at church.  

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Contented Jennifer Lindauer Contented Jennifer Lindauer

Contented | Week 5

Week 5
This weekend we continue our series, CONTENTED, and we will find ourselves in a conversation about investing. Investing can be tricky in this world, but there are some investments that will pay off long after we are gone. This weekend we will discover those “can’t miss” investments. See you at church.

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Contented Jennifer Lindauer Contented Jennifer Lindauer

Contented | Week 4

Week 4
If you could live in any place, at any time in history, where and when would you live? Remember, we have indoor plumbing now. We have flight now. What do you think you could do without? We have been having a conversation about what it means to be CONTENTED. This weekend we will talk about true wealth and the role that contentment plays in a life of affluence. We all will be able to relate to this message. See you at church. 

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Contented Jennifer Lindauer Contented Jennifer Lindauer

Contented | Week 3

Week 3
This weekend we continue our series called, CONTENTED. Last week we talked about three areas of contentment that are connected to finances. This weekend we will look at one of the competitors to contentment that we face every day. As we identify the competition we will also uncover how to train our hearts to be contented. You won’t want to miss it. See you at church.

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Contented Jennifer Lindauer Contented Jennifer Lindauer

Contented | Week 2

Week 2
This weekend we continue our series, CONTENTED. So, how are you doing with that? This Sunday we will look at three areas of financial contentment. We are all affected by finances, so, in God’s Word, He gives us directions on how to live a contented life in three significant financial areas.

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Contented Jennifer Lindauer Contented Jennifer Lindauer

Contented | Week 1

Week 1
This weekend we kick off a new series called, CONTENTED. Contentment can be difficult to achieve in a culture that cries out for more, more, and more. How does one overcome the consumer culture to arrive at the contentment God desires for us to have?

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