Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 12

Week 12

This weekend we finish our summer series, Kings & Queens. The Queen we will learn from this Sunday did not have a good start to life. But, through great counsel, and a humble heart, she played a role in defeating one of the most horrible plots in history. This week’s lesson will have you on the edge of your seat. See you at church.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 11

Week 11

When you are face to face with evil, how do you respond? Her name is synonymous with evil. Her name is Jezebel and she is the queen we will study this weekend. What do you think we can learn from her? Plenty. See you at church!

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 10

Week 10

Do you have a mentor? Who do you take your cues from? We continue our series Kings and Queens this weekend with a study about a young king who changed the culture for the better. You will not want to miss this exciting story about youth, leadership, life-change, and obedience. See you at church!

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Kings and Queens, Lord's Supper Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens, Lord's Supper Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 9

Week 9

This weekend we will take a little side road in our series. We will still talk about a King and people in power, but we will shift to the New Testament and look at the last days of Jesus on earth. He had some interesting encounters with powerful people in those last hours on earth. We will also observe the Lord’s Supper this weekend. This is always a special time together. See you are church!

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 8

Week 8

Someone said to me last weekend, “I must admit, taking time to study these Kings (and soon a couple of Queens) has been interesting and fun. Interesting because I see sometimes I am like these kings, and fun because I am learning.” I hope you are having a good experience learning about these Kings as well. This weekend, we will do it again. Check out 2 Kings 18 in your Bible, and get a head start. See you at church.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 7

Week 7

Is success determined by what you accomplished or by how you are remembered? How do you want to be remembered? How do you preserve a good legacy? This weekend we will look at another King who had a lot going for him, but the legacy he left was not what he wanted. Let’s study together this weekend how we can leave a good legacy for those who come after us. See you at church.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 6

Week 6

Do you know that you are a leader? Leadership is influence, and God has placed each of us in situations, to influence others for His Kingdom. Continuing on in our Kings & Queens series, we will look at David’s path from the pasture to the penthouse, and how, like David, God can work in us and through us in our leadership.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 5

Week 5

What are you praying about right now? Do you have some overwhelming circumstances that are out of your control? This weekend we will learn from a King who faced an overwhelming predicament. Join us this weekend as we learn how to pray in a way that changes everything. See you at church.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 4

Week 4

Do you remember measuring your height when you were a child, and you were so excited when you saw growth? Why did you stop? Because you stopped growing, right? We do stop growing physically, but the exciting thing about the Christian life is we do not have to stop growing spiritually.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 3

Week 3

When was your last conflict with someone? Perhaps you are in one right now. Conflicts will come and how we navigate through them will determine the quality of our relationships. This weekend we continue our series, Kings & Queens by looking at a conflict a King and a soon-to-be King had. We will learn three secrets to navigating through conflict. Hope you can make it. See you at church.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 2

Week 2

Do you have any intimidating people in your life? Maybe someone at work or an old classmate? What is it about them that makes them intimidating? This weekend in our Kings & Queens series we will talk about a future King who refused to be intimidated by someone who was intimidating everyone. What was his secret and how did he do it? Let’s talk about it this weekend. See you at church.

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Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer Kings and Queens Jennifer Lindauer

Kings and Queens | Week 1

Week 1

This weekend we begin our summer series called KINGS & QUEENS. We will be looking into the lives of various Kings and Queens in the Bible. What made them unique, what mistakes they made and when they got it right. To kick off the series we will give God’s instructions about what the people should look for in royalty. The boundaries we learn are timeless and helpful for us. Don’t miss the beginning of the series this Sunday. See you at church.

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