Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 4

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 4

How is your stress level? Are you going through a confusing, maybe frustrating season? Have you ever wondered if God was paying attention? You are not alone. The children of Israel faced some pretty overwhelming times too. As we finish our series on Moving in the Right Direction we will be reminded of the faithfulness of God when we are confused, overwhelmed, stressed, and pressured. See you Sunday.

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Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 3

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 3

Do you have trouble making up your mind? Do you have someone in your life that has trouble making up their mind? If so, this weekend may be an encouragement to you. We will continue our series on Moving in the Right Direction and this Sunday we will talk about making a decision…NOW. The Scripture gives us a great example of how to make a solid decision to follow God and what goes into that decision. Can’t wait to be with you this weekend. See you at church.

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Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 2

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 2

This weekend we continue our series on Moving in the Right Direction. Have you considered the direction you are moving with your life? Movement is something that is part of God’s nature. He moves in us, through us and around us. Sometimes, He even moves in spite of us. This series is designed to help us sense God’s movement and respond appropriately.

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Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer Moving Right Direction Jennifer Lindauer

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 1

Moving in the Right Direction | Week 1

Movement is all around us. This weekend we begin a new series on movement. We will look at a couple of Bible characters who faced several moves in their journey. We will follow their attitudes and their decisions as they went through moves that were difficult yet, rewarding. We will learn from the principles they followed how we can navigate the moves in our own lives. Looking forward to being with you as we begin this new series together.

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