Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer

Reasons to Believe | Week 5

This weekend we continue our series on Believing, by participating in the Lord’s Supper. We typically do this on Palm Sunday but this weekend we are connecting the service with the theme that Jesus is giving us a Reason to Believe through how He teaches His disciples in the upper room. It will be a great time to be at church. See you this weekend.

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Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer

Reasons to Believe | Week 4

This weekend we continue our series on Believing, by considering a story that has many twists and turns. If you want to read ahead, look at John chapter 9. After you read it, you may have some questions. So, let’s get together at church this weekend and unwrap a treasure of truth. See you at church.

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Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer

Reasons to Believe | Week 3

This weekend we continue our series on Reasons to Believe. We are finding many reasons to believe in Jesus as a result of this series. Perhaps you have a friend or two who a struggling with belief. Maybe you have been praying for them, but what they really need is an invitation. How about you invite someone to join you this weekend? You may be the channel God uses to help them BELIEVE. See you this weekend.

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Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer

Reasons to Believe | Week 2

What are you searching for? Peace? Prosperity? Recognition? From time to time we are all searching for something, and we often think, if I could have that thing, I would have everything I need. Is that really true? This weekend, we will unpack a character in the Bible who was on a search, but his search needs to be refined. Maybe yours does too. Let’s meet together this weekend and let God refine our search. See you at church!

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Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer Reasons to Believe Jennifer Lindauer

Reasons to Believe | Week 1

Today we begin a new series called Reasons To Believe. We will explore several encounters of our Savior in the book of John. All this will lead us to Easter when Jesus encountered death and overcame the grave, for you and me. Please don’t miss the beginning of this series as we learn and strengthen our faith together. See you at church.

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