The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer

The Evil One | Week 5

Well, it is election week. Emotions and drama tend to accompany elections. People’s feelings get on roller coasters and unfortunately for some the ride is a hard one. This has been true especially in the recent history of our nation. So as a believer, how to you approach this week? I’m not talking about your vote, or your values, I am speaking from a perspective of your relationship with God. Let’s talk about that this weekend. See you at church.

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The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer

The Evil One | Week 4

Over the last three weeks we have looked at the different roles and tactics our adversary uses to trip us up in our Christian walk. We have seen him as the deceiver, the destroyer and the accuser. This weekend we will focus on us, and how we need to prepare ourselves for battle. You won’t want to miss the time of preparation. See you this weekend.

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The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer

The Evil One | Week 3

Have you ever been accused of something? It probably led to a disruption of your peace and sleepless nights. One of the things Satan is known for is making accusations against us. He accuses us of our past sins, when Jesus accepts us and provides forgiveness. What has Satan been accusing you of this week? Come to church, where we celebrate forgiveness and freedom in Christ. See you this weekend.

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The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer

The Evil One | Week 2

Last weekend we started our series on The Evil One, by recognizing Satan as the Deceiver. This weekend we will discover how Satan destroys.

His goal to separate us from God is not his only goal. This weekend we discover another target, tactic and goal of the evil one. See you this weekend as we prepare ourselves for the battle. See you at church.

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The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer The Evil One Jennifer Lindauer

The Evil One | Week 1

This weekend we begin a new series called, The Evil One. For the next four weekends, we will take a close look at the strategies of our adversary and how he wants to defeat us.

Over the next few weeks we will pray that God will protect us and prepare us to be sensitive to the strategies of the evil one. You see, the evil one strategizes against us, therefore, we must have a strategy as well. So, prepare yourself for battle.

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