What If? Jennifer Lindauer What If? Jennifer Lindauer

What If? | Week 3

This weekend we close our WHAT IF? series. We have looked at the subject of sharing God’s love by looking out for others. Why is that sometimes a difficult thing to do? Yes, it’s inconvenient, but sometimes it is not a question of convenience. Sometimes, it is difficult because it is hard to give away something that you don’t have, like love. This weekend we will talk about the components of God’s love and how to respond to them.

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What If? Jennifer Lindauer What If? Jennifer Lindauer

What If? | Week 2

Last week we kicked off the series What If? The series started off with a question, "What if you started looking out for someone?" How would their life change? How would your life change? What if you took the DO NOT DISTURB sign off your heart and allowed others to inconvenience your life? How would that impact someone’s life? This weekend we will move from the Old Testament to the New Testament and see how you can stay motivated to live a life of love, even when it is inconvenient.

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What If? Jennifer Lindauer What If? Jennifer Lindauer

What If? | Week 1

Today we begin a new series titled WHAT IF? We will look at different accounts in the Bible and conclude with some WHAT IF questions that could lead us to make a monumental impact for God’s Kingdom work. Lives could change forever as a result of how we answer these WHAT IF questions. Please do not miss the beginning of this three-part series.

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