What Now? Jennifer Lindauer What Now? Jennifer Lindauer

What Now? | Week 3

What Now? | Week 3

This weekend we finish our short series called, WHAT NOW? The final lesson covers three factors that play into building a Godly life. You won’t want to miss this wrap up of the “wrap up” of the sermon on the mount. If you want to read ahead, take a minute to read Matthew 7:24-27 in preparation for this weekend’s journey in the Scripture.

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What Now? Jennifer Lindauer What Now? Jennifer Lindauer

What Now? | Week 2

What Now? | Week 2

Have you ever been frustrated with people who say one thing, and then do another. Last weekend we started a new series called, WHAT NOW? We talked about a gap between hearing Jesus’ words, and doing them. This weekend we will continue our message series by looking at three pictures Jesus uses to help us close the gap between what we hear and what we do.

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What Now? Jennifer Lindauer What Now? Jennifer Lindauer

What Now? | Week 1

What Now? | Week 1

This weekend we begin a new series entitled, WHAT NOW? If you want to read ahead in preparation for the series, take a look at Matthew 7. This is the last part of what is commonly known as the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is wrapping up His message with some contrasting statements. It is like He is saying to His listeners, ‘after you have heard this teaching, what now?’ This should be a great series. See you at church.

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