Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer

Who's Your One? | Week 4

Hell. Not something we talk about or even think about much. But this weekend we will look at what the Bible says about hell. The good and the bad. Wait. There is something good in hell? The answer is yes. Do you want to know what it is?

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Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer

Who's Your One? | Week 3

Nothing communicates like stories. In fact, that is probably why Jesus told so many stories to get His point across. This weekend we will look at the real story of a group of man who had one person they wanted to get to Jesus. It was amazing the lengths they went to in order for this man's life to change. Come this weekend and be encouraged on how you can make a difference in YOUR ONE's life by simply bringing them to Jesus.

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Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer

Who's Your One? | Week 2

This weekend we continue our series "Who's Your One?" We will take a look at what awaits all of us in the future. Remember this weekend, come with "your one" in mind. You will not want to miss this special and meaningful service.

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Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer Who's Your One? Jennifer Lindauer

Who's Your One? | Week 1

This weekend we are going to launch a new series called WHO’S YOUR ONE? This series will provide a foundation for our WHO’S YOUR ONE weekend, February 22-23. It is this time of year that people start thinking about what they want to accomplish in the coming year. Typically, you will hear people say, my new year’s resolution is… or, this is the year for… So, how would you finish that statement? As a church we want all our friends to go to heaven. So how about this year we finish this statement: This is the year I am going to share my faith with… How would you finish that statement? Who is the one person you cannot imagine being in heaven without? Who do you love enough to share your faith with this year? This year could change eternity.

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